Strategies for dealing with depression (Talkspace Interview)

We offer teen counseling for depression in Austin, Texas and online counseling for teens in Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth, and San Antonio.

As a therapist specializing in therapy for teenage depression, I love talking about depression hacks.

I was interviewed by Talkspace, a company that provides online therapy. We talked about tricks to make depression easier when you’re in the middle of a depressive swing.

I have an excerpt below. You can also head on over to Talkspace to read the whole thing.

These tips work whether you’re in school, living on your own, or starting a new chapter in your life!

Austin based teenage counseling and therapy for teen girls struggling with depression and stress.

When you’re depressed, it’s hard to do things!

This isn’t a moral failure.

Many people feel like their “lazy” or “wasting their potential” when they feel depressed. This simply isn’t true!

Your worth isn’t defined by how much you accomplish or how productive you are.

If you find it harder to finish your school work, it doesn’t mean you’re a bad student. It just means that you’re struggling. You deserve to get help for depression.


When you’re struggling with depression, it’s OK to not be performing as well as you want.

Depression can knock you off your feet. You wouldn’t expect a runner to go just as fast when they’ve sprained their ankle. Similarly, it’s normal to have a harder time at school, work, and with friends when you’re depressed.

Vered’s a therapist for teenagers with depression and offers counseling for teens in Austin, Texas and online therapy for teens.

If you’re living on your own, here are my tips on how to make things easier for yourself when you’re depressed:

Buying paper plates and disposable silverware to save time washing dishes.

Getting pre-made or delivered food instead of cooking.

If showering feels like too much, it’s okay to skip every once in awhile.

Find a therapist for teens. Vered Counseling offers teen counseling Austin for depression, anxiety, PTSD, and school refusal.


<3 Vered

We offer teens and young adult counseling Austin for depression, anxiety, PTSD in Texas

Teen and young adult counseling in Austin, Texas

Want more support? Vered Counseling is a counseling practice specializing in teens, young adults, and families.

Read more about our teen counseling for anxiety, depression, PTSD, and body image issues. Or, check out our transgender counseling services.

We also offer gender dysphoria treatment in Texas and North Carolina and transgender information for parents.

If you want to find out more about starting therapy, feel free to contact Vered Counseling.

(・ᗜ・)ノ♥. * ・ 。゚<3 Vered


It doesn't have to suck forever


(・ᗜ・)ノ♥. * ・ 。゚<3 Vered 〰️ It doesn't have to suck forever 〰️